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  • desertwave

New album, “Deafening Silence”, is out

Aggiornamento: 8 dic 2022

After 5 years of wandering in the desert, here is "Deafening Silence", the new album

All the songs were born during the pandemic. Here in Italy it was something that really marked us. We've all been locked up at home for months and the streets were deserted, with a ghostly, eerie silence. It was really a deafening silence. Hypnotic riffs, obsessive rhythms and Logan's lyrics are a bit dark and gloomy, as if there is a dark presence in our daily lives. You can feel that ghostly presence looming over us in every song. Drugo designed the cover and the artwork, which you can download from bandcamp, and was inspired by Blade Runner. In both the Blade Runner movies, as in these songs, there was the same feeling of foreboding that hovered in a dystopian future, in which not all the answers are clear and many questions are still unanswered.

“Hypnotic riffs... obsessive rhythms... ghostly presence....”

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